Thursday, June 24, 2010

Nambwii's Birthday

My life is not fair.
It's Nambwii's Birthday Today.
I have to watch her.

Tamewii glared at his sister as she absorbed her birthday meal. I never got frosting he thought, why does she get it now? Nambwii’s fronds fluttered in pleasure, savoring the spongy texture of the cake. Tamewii always thought that she looked stupid when she did that. Nambwii was still an infant, an oblong bumpy cylinder with her ear spikes still pointed back and her two long fronds still milky white. Tamewii’s were dyed blue, the latest fashion, and beneath the color they were strong and tough. Looking past her Tamewii saw again the pile of presents that she had still to open. Life just wasn’t fair.

Nambwii got a Simulacrum Metropolis, a box of Replo-Blocks, a pet Loarock, a Pack of Collectable Thousand-Worlds Cards (that Nambwii doesn’t even know how to play!!), and a set of Robo-Pantstm for her birthday. My life really isn’t fair. All I got was clothes and red frond-dye. Useless. The Simulacrum Metropolis was a cool toy; it had numerous settings allowing a holographic set of Monsters from about the cosmos to battle over the city. Parent said:

Nambwii can play now,
Her toys are complicated,
You must help her play.

Tamewii twitched his fronds, annoyed. Why does she get everything, why is she so important? Tamewii set the simulacrum to a fight between the Sol Monster Godzilla and the Begeni Monster Pa’ra’ulous and Nambwii fled the toy crying; watching a monster that oozed like a sore scared her. Stupid. It’s just a hologram. Parent came in, cradling the whining Nambwii in its fronds.

You have scared Nambwii,
If you are not nice to her,
you will be punished.

Tamewii apologized, keeping his fronds from twitching with annoyance. Of course it’s my fault. You gave Nambwii the simulacrum; it’s not my fault she got scared. Stupid. Once Nambwii calmed down again she tried a different toy. The replo-blocks were too complicated, always turning into stupid little things like flora and rectangular structures; Nambwii was too stupid to make anything cool. And she didn’t even understand the Loarock, she just poked it like a normal rock held on stilts and tried to absorb it. It gurgled as she tried and she again fled the room, her fronds flailing to accompany her tinny cry. More lectures and more apologies followed until she calmed down again. What a hassle. Why did it have to be a little sister? Parent thought it best to try the cards next as that would be the least likely to scare her.

Tamewii collects Thousand-World Cards, and plays with his favorite Sol-Earth Deck. He has worked long and hard to collect many of the important Ancient Sol Characters like Ben Franklin, Riechi Yamanaka, and Five of the World Leaders. He is very proud of his collection and is the envy of his school. Nambwii got 6 cards in her booster. Four were worthless; Tamewii had many of them already. One was a rare that Tamewii did not need. But the sixth was the super-rare Arvid Macenion Card. It was a Space-Age Sol card, and one that Tamewii had been looking for forever. Arvid Macenion was a space explorer in the age where the first Sol Species, Humans, achieved FTL. The Captain of the Star-Ship Awesome, he fought with the Mcflurrah Space Pirates and saved Sol a dozen times over. Life isn’t fair. Nambwii can’t use the card, why should she get it?

Nambwii looked at the card for a while, turning it back and forth to admire the holographic combat reenactment before boring of it. She stacked it carefully with the others and looked away. As if it was just another piece of plastic.

Brother please help me,

I want to try the pants now,

and I need your help.

Tamewii sighed. He pulled over the Robo-Pantstm and lifted Nambwii into the seat. She snuggled in and flittered her fronds in excitement. How come she gets to walk like a bipedal? I never got such a cool gift at her age. This just isn’t fair. Tamewii pressed the start button and the legs extended, hauling Nambwii off the floor with a jerk. Her fronds jerked in surprise and the Robo-Pantstm immediately dashed off at full speed. With an almighty crash the Robo-Pantstm, carrying my wailing little sister, smashed into the wall and collapsed, dumping screaming Nambwii onto the pile of replo-blocks. Oh No! Nambwii!

Tamewii rushed to Nambwii’s side, quickly picking her up in his fronds. The Parent rushed into the room as well, and soon Nambwii was helped from the Robo-Pantstm and set carefully on a cushion. Tamewii’s fronds bunched. Please let my little sister be okay. Nambwii whimpered and twitched her fronds in pain.

My little sister,

Oh please let you be okay,

This is all my fault.

Nambwii stilled and touched Tamewii with her frond.

I am okay Tamb,
It scared more than it hurt me.
I am all right now.

Parent nodded and smiled. Nambwii curled her fronds around her brother and whispered into his ear spike.

I love you brother,
I give the good cards to you.
Now let's go and play.

There are some benefits to having a little sister.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Elevator Pitch

I sighed. The elevator doors slid open, interrupting my solitude. A young man stepped into the elevator, carrying a briefcase loaded with papers.
“Evening. Headed to the Lobby?” I asked, hoping against hope.
“No, third floor please.” He responded hurriedly, not even looking up while he fidgeted his briefcase closed. Better than nothing I thought. Seven floors of company is still better than eleven. As I pressed the button he finally managed to zip the case shut.
“Thanks.” He said, looking up and smiling. Suddenly his face froze. Crap.
“Holy Shit! You’re Stephen Spielberg! Ohmygod. My name is Stephen Dickson. I’m a Huge fan!”
“Nice to meet you.” I knew what was coming next. I’d been through this three times this week already. I glanced at the floor dial, the doors were only just now closing.
“Now I’m sure you have heard this before but I have the perfect idea for a western!”
Not again. “Well, I-”
“It’s 1899, New Mexico. The town is Carlsbad.”
*ding* Ninth floor past. Please don’t let it stop.
“The Main Character is Arvid Macenion, he’s a skilled drifter/Martial Artist and he’s Immortal!”
“The story is a Whirlwind action/adventure/mystery with a touch of romance.

*ding* Seventh Floor. Do they Make slower elevators?
“A group of evil men from the east are taking over the country around Carlsbad, supposedly prospecting for gold.”
“But what they are Really after is an ancient Navaho Magical circle located in the Carlsbad Caves.

*ding* Fifth Floor. Almost there…
“It only activates at the start of each century and can be used to take over the world!”
“And the Hero Arvid has to stop them! The title is Carlsbad Dangerous. And-

*ding* Third floor. Finally! But as the doors slid open however, Stephen just kept talking!
“For the part of-”
“Arvid I-”
“-think that-”
“Sir!” Finally he halted, blinking in surprise. “Isn’t this your floor?” I asked, struggling to keep the exasperation out of my voice.
“Oh.” He said, glancing about. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
“I expect so.” I said dryly. The number on the Dial aught to show you that.
“Well, I should go…”
“Well, here is my business card.” He fumbled with his briefcase and pulled out a small, unremarkable white card, pushing it eagerly into my hands.
“I’m… In a bit of a hurry here…” I murmured. Must be civil, must be patient.
“Oh right! Right.” He stood there for a moment, bemused. “Well. My number is on the-”
“Business card. Yes. I got it here.”
“Right. Well…” He looked crestfallen. Probably just realizing how likely his chances were. “It was nice meeting you.”
“Pleasure.” I spoke evenly. C’mon, you are a foot from the doors.
“Well… When you-”
“I’m sure you have better things to do…”
“Yes. Sorry.” He stepped back, finally letting the doors close. "Bye!”
Thank god! I dropped the business card to the floor and straightened my collar as the elevator began to descend. Worst 30 seconds ever.
*ding* The elevator slowed to a stop at the second floor. Guess my celebration was a little premature.

The doors slid open to admit a tall, well muscled man with short, black hair. His clothes struck me as odd, composed of a white silken jacket, belted over similarly colored white pants. A red embroidered leather vest finished the look. Thoroughly bemused, I nodded back as he stepped in and pressed the second floor button.
As the doors closed he turned to me, smiling. “Stephen Spielberg right? He shook my hand warmly. “I remember your first little film. What was it called…” He looked up and stroked his chin thoughtfully.
He snapped his fingers, issuing a sharp crack, startling me. “The Last Gunfight. The nice little 8 mm you made back in 1958. I always thought you would make if far. Congratulations.”

*ding* The elevator doors opened and the stranger strolled out.

“Wait!” He turned back, smiling coolly as before. “I didn’t get your name.”
“Oh, my apologies.” he grinned. The elevator doors started sliding closed. “The name is Arvid Macenion. Glad to have met you.”
For a good five seconds I stared at the closed door, the smooth elevator again dropping towards the lobby. As the elevator slid to a halt I bent over and picked up the business card. Never a bad idea to hold onto a business card I thought. At least this time.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Book Review of Stars over Kristallnacht

This work by contemporary author Sir Notare A. Lauthor demonstrates one of the best works of contemporary fiction this reviewer has ever read. This forbidden romance between a young Aryan lieutenant and a member of an oppressed minority hunted by the powers of Europe will tug at your heartstrings. The young Ariana, hunted her whole life finds her freedom, and her heart, in the hands of Hans Goebbels, third son of the Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels. These two star struck lovers from two different worlds must fight together against the great powers trying to wrench them apart amid the most terrible years of the Second World War. It’s a dark tale of romance from the shadowed days early in the war.
Lauthor’s descriptive sentences paint the stark reality of these times in intense detail, giving sight into the darkest corners of those days. The compelling recreation of life at a work camp lends fresh perspective to the old horrors, both real and imagined, that we so often attribute to those dark places. This terrible imagery works to show the incredible luster of the romance between Hans and Ariana. The contrast between them brings new greater meaning to their truly forbidden romance. Hans meet the beautiful Ariana on assignment in the Black forest in Southern Germany. And the reader watches as the two grow closer and closer despite their many differences. But these bright moments do not last as the soldiers of the Reich come for Hans and find him with Ariana, deep within the dark forest.
Despite their greatest resistance, Ariana is captured and taken under guard back to the Capital of Berlin. Hans resolves to release his love by any means at his disposal. He throws himself into the politics of the Nazi party and soon discovers the plans for one of the greatest acts of Nazi oppression; Kristallnacht. On that night, at great personal risk Hans returns to his love and frees her. Together again, among the terrible tragedies of that night, they escaped. But that would not be the end of their trials.
For despite the abiding love between them, they came from truly different worlds. The tear-jerking conclusion to the story may remain one of the most touching endings in the history of the genre. Hans, the young soldier, scarred by that which he has seen and done must decide his place. Should he stay and fight to save the country he loves, or go with Ariana to her home in the Stars. Never before has a romance between man and alien been so real. Ariana, tired and disgusted with earth, flies into the heavens in her cylindrical ship. Does Hans go with her to travel the stars and leave his homeland behind? This reviewer will leave it to the reader to discover on their own.
Stars over Kristallnacht was an amazing journey and without a doubt the best science fiction romance of the decade. This reviewer would suggest it for all who appreciate love, romance, and space travel.
-Arvid Macenion